Table of Contents
SW releases
This section reports last SW release version and relevant release note for all available applications
- Smart Hombrewing Application
- Smart Thermostat Application
- Smart BBQ
Notice that the FW is specific for your application, smartPID HW platform is generic but if you want to change the application type you need to contact
this is the repository where you can download the last .bin (binary file) to be loaded on the SmartPID controller via USB interface For details on upgrade procedure please refer to installation&config manuals or the specific section on the wiki
the android smartphone app is common to both applications and can be downloaded directly from google play store
Smart Homebrewing App
SW for manging the homebrew automation
date 7 feb 2017
- added support for degrees Fahrenheit
- changed USB VID and PID to 0x1209 and 0x4646
- added setting of access point SSID based on board serial number
- fixed management of temperature probe calibration
- added check for device authorization (based on serial number) to run the firmware application
date 18 feb 2017
- added option to enable and disable button beep
- added PID auto-tune functionality
- changed hardware version number from 5 to 6.1
- changed minimum temperature for next BIAB stage after mash in
date 28 feb 2017
- PID auto-tune: change minimum and default value of noise band
- PID auto-tune: add configuration option to set PID control type (PI or PID)
- PID auto-tune: changed output setting to initialize only outputs associated to the channel being operated
- PID process: fixed setting of (Ki, Kp, Kd) parameter values
- PID auto-tune: added buzzer sound when auto-tune is completed
- NTC temperature sensor: added support for sensors with different beta coefficient values
date 06 apr 2017
- Changed resolution of Ki PID parameter to two decimal digits
- Enabled logging during BIAB process after boiling stage
Date 09 may 2017
- Fixed firmware crash happening after the mash-in stage if the pump output is disabled in configuration settings
Date 27 Oct 2018
- replaced ThingSpeak API integration with MQTT connectivity
- added 4126 beta value for NTC sensors
- fixed support for newer versions of the ESP8266 firmware
- added averaging of multiple temperature readings with NTC probes to minimize impact of noise
- fixed a bug in the recipe hop addition menu,
- added temperature unit (C/F) and run mode type (manual/auto) in dynamic data sent via MQTT
- added run-time detection of hardware version (classic vs stackable SmartPID)
- added “Sound Alarms” configuration menu to selectively activate the buzzer
- added dynamic management of “set point reached” to reflect run-time changes to set point
- added run mode dynamic status persistence (pause/resume, crash recovery)
- added PWM regulation of SSR output in status mode
- added PUMP = off e Mash Probe Position = external consistency check
- Changed hysteresis logic in on/off mode so that controller output is deactivated when temperature reaches set point and activated when temperature reaches [set point - hysteresis]
- Fixed DS18B20 temperature reading for values below 0 °C
- Added auto-resume configuration option for automatically resuming interrupted process after power-up
- Added “power restored” MQTT event when an interrupted process is detected at power-up
- Added “resume” MQTT event when an interrupted process is resumed
- Added “resume” MQTT command to remotely resume an interrupted process
- Fixed process timestamp initialization after resumption of an interrupted process
- Added watchdog protection
- Added logging to SD card [cube version only]
- Fixed issue where controller freezes after resuming an interrupted process
- Fixed issue where mash and HLT output drivers are wrongly enabled when resuming a process that had been interrupted when in paused mode
- Fixed sending of MQTT dynamic data when process is paused
- Added MQTT “stop” event when exiting from status mode
- For each mash step, added MQTT “start” event when reaching set point, and “end” event when timer expires
- Fixed resuming of process after power loss when process has been running for a long time
- Added on-screen indication of actual hardware, i.e. “SPC1000 V6.1” or “SPC1000 cube V2.3”
- Fixed “set point reached” notification in manual mode when mash set point is changed via MQTT commands
Date 03 Dec 2018
- Removed operation of PA13 pin as digital output, to fix current consumption issue causing a voltage drop that interferes with NTC probe measurements
- Fixed bug where software may freeze when probe configuration is changed from DS18B20 to NTC
Date 19 jan 2019
- Added Brewfather integration components
- Added MQTT process start command
- Added MQTT pump on/off command
- Added pump cycle pause/resume in auto mode
- Added pump status in MQTT dynamic data
- Added possibility to skip step mash in BIAB recipe
- Fixed bug where mash and HLT heater outputs are enabled unconditionally upon resuming a paused process in automatic run mode
- Added PWM control of mash channel during boil phase via MQTT commands
- Added pump status icons
NOTE this SW release is mandatory for External Link INTEGRATION
Smart Thermostat
SW for the smart temperature controller
date 17 febbraio 2017
- added option to enable and disable button beep
- added PID auto-tune functionality
- changed hardware version number from 5 to 6.1
- added fridge delay feature
date 24 febbraio 2017
- PID auto-tune: reduced minimum and default value of noise band value
- PID auto-tune: added configuration option to set PID control type (PI or PID)
- PID auto-tune: removed setting of outputs not associated to the channel being operated
- PID auto-tune: added reset of channel outputs when user aborts the auto-tune
- PID process: fixed setting of (Ki, Kp, Kd) parameter values
date 03 mar 2017
- Process parameter menu: changed position of fridge delay 2 menu entry
- PID auto-tune: added buzzer sound when auto-tune is completed
- PID auto-tune: add reset of all outputs when process is completed or aborted
- NTC temperature sensor: added support for sensors with different beta coefficient values
date 25 mar 2017
- Added ramp/soak profiles
- Changed resolution of Ki PID parameter from 0.1 to 0.01
- Fixed bug found in thermostatic mode (heating in PID mode, cooling in on/off mode), where the system was oscillating between PID heating and on/off cooling (bug introduced in v0.5-001)
date 09 may 2017
- Changed configuration of timers to use a resolution of 1 minute instead of 1 second (seconds are still displayed on the screen)
- Changed maximum allowed value of timers to 99 hours and 59 minutes
- Moved visualization of count-down/count-up timer in run mode to avoid overlapping with Wi-Fi icon when the number of hours exceeds 9
date 20 Oct 2017
- added 4126 beta value for NTC sensors
- fixed support for newer versions of the ESP8266 firmware
- added averaging of multiple temperature readings with NTC probes to minimize impact of noise
- added support for k-type thermocouple with 1-wire adapter
date 24 nov 2017
- replaced ThingSpeak API integration with MQTT connectivity
- added “Sound Alarms” configuration menu to enable or disable buzzer activation for different types of alarm notifications
date 03 mar 2018
- Changed channel labeling from “CH0” and “CH1” to “CH1” and “CH2” in menu for selecting temperature profiles
- Added dynamic update of the “set point reached” notification according the current set point
- Changed default MQTT broker IP address to
- Added support for process pause and resume and for process recovery in case of firmware reboot while a process is ongoing
- Changed MQTT topic for profile management to smartpid/thermostat/<id>/profiles/<X> (publisher) and smartpid/thermostat/<id>/profiles/update/# (subscriber)
- Added PWM regulation of SSR output in status mode
- Changed default values of Kp, Ki, Kd parameters to following values: Kp=15, Ki=0, Kd=0
- Added MQTT dynamic notification in status mode
- Added MQTT start command
date 18 may 2018
- Added saving of process snapshot as soon as new a process starts, so that if the controller is shut down just after starting a process, at the next reboot the user is prompted to resume the interrupted process
- Added support for up to 3 Wi-Fi networks in configuration settings
- Added INFO submenu to top-level menu
- Added support for configuring set point and countdown values in MQTT “start” command (when the process is started in standard mode)
- Changed hysteresis logic in on/off mode so that controller output is deactivated when temperature reaches set point and activated when temperature goes beyond [set point +- hysteresis]
date 27 Oct 2018
- Fixed DS18B20 temperature reading for values below 0 °C
- Added auto-resume configuration option for automatically resuming interrupted process after power-up
- Added “power restored” MQTT event when an interrupted process is detected at power-up
- Added “resume” MQTT event when an interrupted process is resumed
- Added “resume” MQTT command to remotely resume an interrupted process
- Fixed process timestamp initialization after resumption of an interrupted process
- Added watchdog protection
- Added logging to SD card [cube version only]
- Added delayed start feature
- Fixed issue where output drivers are wrongly enabled when resuming a process that had been interrupted when in paused mode
- Fixed sending of MQTT dynamic data when process is paused
- Fixed resuming of process after power loss when process has been running for a long time
- Added on-screen indication of actual hardware, i.e. “SPC1000 V6.1” or “SPC1000 cube V2.3”
- Fixed “set point reached” notification when set point is changed via MQTT commands
date 03 Dec 2018
- Added Brewfather integration components
- Removed operation of PA13 pin as digital output, to fix current consumption issue causing a voltage drop that interferes with NTC probe measurements
- Fixed bug where software may freeze when probe configuration is changed from DS18B20 to NTC
NOTE this SW release is mandatory for External Link INTEGRATION
first commercial relase of the smart barbecue application
date 04 apr 2018
date 12 May 2018
- Merged MQTT dynamic data notifications for pit and food channel to improve remote smarphone app logging stability [NOTE: this FW version requires andrdoi smart BBQ app version 10 or greater]
date 20 Oct 2018
- Made servo pulse length setting configurable from 900 to 2100 microseconds
- Added support for resuming interrupted process after power-up
- Added auto-resume configuration option for automatically resuming interrupted process after power-up
- Added watchdog protection
- Added on-screen indication of actual hardware, i.e. “SPC1000 V6.1” or “SPC1000 cube V2.3”